Time Management Solutions

Looking for a better way to manage your time? I’ve got the solution for you right here.

My top suggestions for time management are constantly changing as new techniques are discovered and tested, so make sure to check back here every once in a while.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is something that either works for you or it doesn’t. I’ve known countless people who swear by this method of time management, while it simply doesn’t click for others.

Pomodoro is Italian for tomato. That might seem random, but this technique is actually named after the tomato-shaped timer the creator of this time-management method used while in university.

Essentially, Pomodoro involves focusing entirely on a task for 25 minutes, followed by a five-minute break. After four sessions of intense focus, you take a longer, 30-minute break and then repeat the process.

The most important part of this technique is that you do not allow yourself to get distracted while working. Put your phone away and enjoy a solid 25 minutes of hard work, then reward yourself with a break.

Parkinson’s Law

Have you ever had an assignment due the next day and managed to finish it just in time, even though that may have seemed impossible? The idea of Parkinson’s Law is that you will complete a task in the amount of time you give yourself to complete it, so why not make the time shorter.

An example of this might be working without having your laptop charger plugged in. If you have to complete your task before your laptop dies, you’ll work more efficiently. You could also set yourself a deadline to complete a task and then halve it.

This method requires a bit of self-discipline since there’s nothing stopping you from going overtime. I’ve heard great things about this method for the people it does work for, though, so I highly recommend at least giving it a go.